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18 years or older and hold a valid ID or Passport? You can register to vote!

Please Note: Registration for the 2018 elections has closed.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.3.1″]Zimbabwean nationals can register at any Registration Centre in Zimbabwe. Registration Centres will be open every weekday from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:45.

Remember, when it comes to Election Day, you need to vote at the Polling Station located in your assigned Ward.

Documents required for registration:

  • National Identity Card (metal, plastic or waiting pass with holder’s picture) OR valid Zimbabwean Passport;
  • Proof of Residence (for those who cannot produce proof of residence, an affidavit is available at the Registration Centre).

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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.3.1″]Please Note: Inspection of the Voters’ Roll has closed.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.3.1″]To verify your registration details, the ZEC allowed the public to Inspect the Voters’ Roll from 19 – 29 May 2018. This was to ensure voters’ addresses and other details were captured correctly.

Particulars you will need to check:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • ID Number
  • Polling Station

Why is this process important?

The purpose of the Inspection of the Voters’ Roll was to allow registered voters to check if their details were correctly captured and, if not, have their objections rectified.

How can you can check your details now that the inspection process is over? 

Documents required for Inspection of the Voters’ Roll:

  • National Identity Card (metal, plastic or waiting pass with holder’s picture) or a valid Zimbabwean Passport.

Documents required to transfer registration: 

  • National Identity Card (metal, plastic or waiting pass with holder’s picture) or valid Zimbabwean Passport and;
  • Proof of Residence (for those who cannot produce proof of residence, an affidavit is available at the Registration Centre).

Remember: Voters are registered to vote in the Wards in which they are a resident. If you have moved from the place where you are registered to vote in, and wish to vote in the place where you now live, you must transfer your registration during the verification process. To do this, take your new Proof of Residence to a Registration Centre near you. 